It's Webby Time!


Hello world - my how you’ve changed. A month and a half ago, Eric and I returned from our last business trip, just a few days before spending time in an airport seemed like an insane idea. Not long after that, we started working from home. I shared a few of my favorite immune system boosting remedies, and posted a graph that showed how we could nip this thing in the bud with social distancing. At that time, the cases in the U.S. just hit 2,179. As of this writing, there are 1,175,546 in the U.S. and most of us having been living in pretty strict quarantine for weeks. Wow. States are beginning to lift restrictions in spite of stern warnings from health officials, so we’re wishing everybody the best when returning to the rest of the world, and strongly encourage you to look at the math (it never lies), protect those that are vulnerable, and make the best decisions for you and your loved ones. 

Sorry for going dark this last month, but quarantine in this home office has been complicated. We delivered a healthy baby girl in our bedroom three weeks ago, and with the other two kids out of school, the concept of working from home has been almost comical. We are thankful to have stayed quite busy at SPARK6, and will soon return to our usual newsletter assortment of challenges and introductions to new team members. 

For now, we have a humble ask: Last year we worked on an amazing project for The Getty Museum’s education department. The mobile app is called Unshuttered, and it teaches high school students real photography skills right from their mobile device. Last year’s program culminated in an incredible live event at The Getty Museum, and they invited all the students who participated (shown in photo for post). While working on a new release for this product in 2020, we found out that the app has been nominated for a Webby Award! Now more than ever, technology is instrumental for furthering education in meaningful and engaging ways. The instruction, themes, and social connectivity of this app are doing all the right things when it comes to capturing the creative minds of our youth. The team at The Getty are very committed to this mission, and incidentally some the nicest people we’ve ever worked with. Your vote would mean a lot to all of us.

Until next time, stay safe and keep that chin up.

-Elijah Szasz & Eric Colbert, SPARK6


And So It Begins...


Black Lives Matter