Tian Mu on Building Better Video Games & Putting Shoes on the Homeless
Tian visits the shelters himself and personally writes emails to each customer with a photo of himself at the shelter that received the shoes.
Scott Brown on Inventing Educational Games, The Creative Process, and Entrepreneurship
Scott Brown has over 12 years of experience in the toy and game industry and has helped design, develop and launch over 150 products.
Emily Jensen-Schvaneveldt: Research on Healthy Relationships with Digital Media
Emily is all about creating healthy relationships with these products and services. After all, isn’t that really the only sensible approach?
Frank Gjata on Empowering Messages that Encourage Conscious Living and Reminders of Impermanence
Frank Gjata, founder of Conscious Ink, is dedicated to creating innovative tools that support people (including himself) to wake up, live consciously and enthusiastically love the life we live.
Aaron LeMay and The Gamer's Way - From Making Halo to Just Being Here to Help Humans
A boy from small-town Texas is introduced to Pong and Dungeons and Dragons by his parents. As a result, he quickly starts to see all of life as a game, which drives him to become a designer and developer in the game industry.
Vipe Desai on Activism, Disruption, and Democratization to Save our Oceans
Sustainability is at the top of our list for ways technology and new media can create meaningful positive change. We recently had the pleasure to do work for The Ocean Institute and their Board Chairman, Vipe Desai.
This Was the Year I Almost Walked Away from Tech
On January 6th, 2021, I was ready to step away from working in tech and digital. Not in a contemplative way. I actually started writing my notes for the conversation I planned on having with my business partner.
Why is building apps so f*cking expensive?
Like building a structure, software requires teams of specialists performing very time-intensive tasks.
Can an app wrangle emotions and build better habits?
My biggest “why” for keeping a mindfulness practice is the same that prompted me to try a number of other experiments that remove me from my comfort zone: a massive chunk of my life is on autopilot.
The Evolution of Money
There's so much to talk about in the world of pandemics and insurrections but we decided to take a break from all of that and cover one of the most interesting things to happen in the world of finance in centuries: cryptocurrency.
User Experience Design: A COVID Case Study
Borrowing a process from user experience design to help reduce the mental and emotional background noise during times of mixed messages and uncertainty.
COVID-19. What We're Doing & What You Can Do, Too.
We donate proceeds from the first receivable on all projects to a cause related to the work of our client, or otherwise to the ACLU. As of now, we are redirecting all those donations to COVID-10 relief funds. The most effective action we can take is to “flatten the curve”.
Get Shit Done, Everytable, & Jordon
This month will round the first quarter of 2020. How are you tracking? Most people wouldn’t mind getting a bit more done, while also enjoying a little more down-time, which might sound a tad counterintuitive. We’re here to say that it’s totally doable and because many of us might be working from home quite a bit more, having a framework to get shit done goes a long way.
Complaining, Fitness Coaching, & Eric
Constant complaining is so culturally prevalent that it usually goes unnoticed and like a nasty cold, pessimism is contagious. For the month of February, the challenge is to be mindful of the words you use to either reinforce or diffuse your current thoughts and emotions. AKA, a complaint-free month.
Sleep, Sid, & Job Hunting
We hope you’re all as excited for this new year as we are. Mostly just because “2020” sounds cool and The 2000 film Mission to Mars was scripted to unfold this year. Must mean that Elon will make it happen before the end of summer. Enjoy this month’s challenge by going back to bed, check out what we build for Vibio, and meet our project manager Sid Prakhash.
And So It Begins...
This is the 2019 preamble for 2020. Our promise to keep in touch, offer a fresh challenge and tell you what’s going on in our universe of digital-for-good.
It's Webby Time!
Hello world - my how you’ve changed. A month and a half ago, Eric and I returned from our last business trip, just a few days before spending time in an airport seemed like an insane idea.
Black Lives Matter
SPARK6 is in complete support of the Black Lives Matter movement, and is committed to end racism wherever it exists.