Creating an Education Platform for the Information Age
Matt Bowman is the founder and CEO of My Tech High, a tuition-free, personalized education program for students Kindergarten to College. He has been involved with education, online learning, public school choice, technology, and entrepreneurship for over 30 years.
Investing In Our Longevity & Aging Population
Meeting Lara Jeremko, CEO of Beyond Ventures, opened my eyes to alternative ways to experience old age. Jeremko talked about our assumptions about aging and eldercare being very culturally specific.
The Art of Podcasting & Creating Authentic Experiences
Espree was recently featured in INC Magazine as one of the top 30 women in tech to follow. Known in the community, simply as "The Girl Who Gets it Done," uses technology and digital content to thoughtfully connect people in the tech industry and move them from online connections to meaningful real-world relationships.
Building Brand Authenticity With Primal Code
If you ask a dozen people what "brand" means, you will likely get just as many different answers. The media expression of brand stories has changed dramatically over the last couple of decades.
Creating Space for Connected & Compassionate Capitalism
Dr. Matthew King is an American writer, international consultant, and futurist residing in Boulder, Colorado.
Connecting Families Through a Shared Reading Experience
Aaron Neuenschwander is CEO of Readeo, an online platform helping families stay connected by combining video chat with kid's books.
Mark Eckhardt On Creativity, Inspiring Others, and Dealing with Racism
Mark Eckhardt is the CEO of COMMON, a network which accelerates the launch and growth of businesses that take care of the planet and all the creatures on it.
Kate Cordell & Ken Knecht on Creating Better Mental Health Care Models with AI
Bringing mental healthcare full circle and treating patients as complete humans by using AI to identify treatments that work for similar types of people, and assist the story-telling process between patients and providers.
Dan Offner on Creating a Platform to Get Startups Started
Dan Offner founded O&A, P.C., a venture and corporate law firm for technology and content that represents early stage, growth companies, and established tech companies as well as venture firms.
Lisa Arie on Taming The Unconscious Mind To Find Freedom
From the word of advertising to the middle of the CO plains. How horses changed Lisa Arie’s life.
Leo Rusaitis on How Information Fosters Curiosity and Technology Bridges Gaps
now teaching a seminar at UCLA called Unsolved Mysteries of the Universe, which focuses on the most important unresolved problems in physics and sciences in general. Starting with the arrow of time, dark matter, and the absurd weirdness of quantum mechanics.
Peter Abraham on Storytelling, Marketing, and Innovation
Peter Abraham is a marketing specialist with years of experience creating compelling content for brands. He has spent time both on the agency side and as a CMO, which gives him a unique point of view.
Sandy Marshall and Inspiring the Next Generation of Women in STEM
Sandy Marshall is the founder, CEO, and visionary of Project Scientist, a national nonprofit that turns girls ages 4 to 18 onto science, technology, engineering and math. She’s passionate about igniting girls’ confidence that a STEM career is obtainable for any girl.
WTF is an NFT? Why I Paid $12,000 for a Sharpie Doodle
This piece I purchased is my first NFT, which stands for Non-Fungible Token. I’m going to do my best with unpacking all of this, so let’s start with this funky word “fungible.”
Amy Giddon and Creating an App to Spread Empathy
For many, it's more likely to have hundreds or even thousands of followers that know only your persona instead of a best friend who knows who you are with no filter.